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Speak out for Survivors

Wellington HELP is not only a support service for survivors, but an advocate for change.


We want survivors to have a better experience through things like the justice system (should they chose to report) and to feel safer in our regions shared spaces. We also want to ensure we are providing the right support for our diverse communities.

If you would like to help support change for survivors in Aotearoa New Zealand, check out ways to engage and feedback below. 

Consent Law Reform Petition

The lack of clarity in legislation on sexual consent is a huge problem in Aotearoa. 


Labya Zubair has launched a petition asking that the House of Representatives urge the Government to reform the current consent laws.


As a part of the petition, Layba share's her belief that the definition of consent in our current laws does not reflect the necessity for free and voluntary agreement at the time of the act. Because of this, she sees that it is integral that our legislation has clear and affirmative consent laws to keep our rangatahi safe. 

The petition closed on the 13th of September and reached over 12,000 signatures.


On Tuesday the 27th of September Labya presented the petition to Parliament with the support of Auckland HELP, Wellington Rape Crisis, Dear Em, Thursday's in Black, Respect ED,  & Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence.

The petition presenters have asked for work on this reform to begin before next year’s election.

Find out more about the petition below:

Sexual Violence Legislation Bill

This bill amends the Evidence Act 2006, Victims’ Rights Act 2002, and Criminal Procedure Act 2011 to reduce the retraumatisation victims of sexual violence may experience when they attend court and give evidence.

Find out more about the bill below. 

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